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10/4/2021 60 Minutes, ResistBot...Hey All-
Many of you probably aren't aware that when we first started StudentLoanJustice.Org many years ago, we were the featured interview in a Top Story on 60 Minutes. This story, and the senate/AG/other investigations that it spawned culminated in the largest scandal ever to hit higher education in this country. It also launched the political career of Elizabeth Warren. Last night, 60 Minutes revisited the topic of student loans in a piece about the vanishingly few successes in of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (particularly as it relates to veterans). We predicted this from the outset of the program in 2007, and have been shouting about it from the rooftops over the past 6-7 years. It's good to see 60 Minutes revisiting the student loan issue, but the incredibly narrow scope of this story is very disappointing. The problem has become orders of magnitude worse than it was in 2006, and extends far, far beyond the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. A news organization like 60 Minutes should be taking a much larger view on the student loan problem today, which- by all rational metrics- is now in catastrophic failure on all levels. I hope you agree, and will do today's quick actions:
I strongly suggest that if you want this problem solved- if you want these loans actually gone, you will do these daily actions. We owe it to ourselves, to the country, and to the tens-or hundreds of millions of people who will follow in our footsteps. Regards, Alan ps. Will you please donate something at this time?
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