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Happy Friday Everyone-
We need to hit Mitch McConnell hard. He is in with the student loan swamp, and has said some particularly terrible things lately. Will you please retweet this, and this? Also forward these tweets to Kentucky news organizations. We need to light this guy up, frankly...See the letter from his office contained in the tweets. Terrible. ResistBot! We're trying something new today...ResistBot! It's very simple: Go to the link, or just text " SIGN PSQVFQ " to 50409 (without the quotes). We have a million people. We could overload the inboxes of every Congressional office in Washington DC if everyone does this! PLEASE DO IT! I hope you all are getting VERY ENCOURAGED by all that is happening right now, all we are getting done, and all that we are poised to get done. We need you helping more than ever right now. We are the largest group of student loan borrowers in the country now, but that only matters when you do your part. Let's Make This Weekend COUNT! Alan ps. Join your state chapter group. They Need You!
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